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PhalaenopsisThe name Phalaenopsis is from Greek that means moth-like. Phalaenopsis are shade loving and grown on branches or on rocks where the air is warm and moist. The leaves of the plant are fleshy and rounded. Plants do not have pseudobulbs and the strength of the plant is in its large leathery leaves and thick roots.
Generally flowers appear on a spike from stem between the leaves. Depending upon the type, there may be anything for single flower to over a hundred. It flowers often as three times a year and which can flower for months. Phalaenopsis is the easiest home grower orchid.
How to make a Phalaenopsis flower again quickly : As soon as flowering has finished, ideally has one or two flowers left, we must trim off the spike around 1 inch just above the first node on main spike stem, and is a little bump covered by small leaflet.
From that place the plant will re-spike and flower early, or if the spike died fully or gone brown, trim off the flower spikes to 1inch, it should re-bloom on new spikes next year.
Light & shade : Generally it does not require too much light to grow. Direct sunlight is harmful for the plant, and is best to provide shade by curtain. The ideal light intensity required by the plant is about 1000-1500 foot- candles little more light can be given to the plants from beginning of Dec. to mid Feb.
Temperature : The ideal night temperature for the plants 62-65˚F & daytime temperature range from 70-80˚F. It grows well in warm climate.
Watering : Phalaenopsis must be watered early in the morning so that water completely evaporate from the foliage as well as crown by nightfall. While watering use rain, distilled or reverse osmosis water, never use water that has been softened by softener. Generally it requires watering about once every 4 to 7 days. Plant will affect from bacteria or fungal rot if it is watered in the evening.
Feeding : We can fertilize with green jungle. Every time you water it plant is potted in bark. It must be finish with clear water once a month. For tap water, use Grow more 20-10-20 in the summer. Fertilizer must be use at the rate of one half teaspoon per gallon. If the plant is potted in sphagnum moss, we must use Green Jungle.
Humidity : Phalaenopsis are of monopodial growth without pseudobulbs to help store moisture. The ideal humidity for the plant is range from 50-70%. It can adapt lower humidity if kept well watered.
Potting : For repotting spring or fall is considered to be best because temperature is generally mild, preventing shock. The potting breaks down about once per year. While repotting we must use medium grade orchid bark mix in 5" pots.
Flowering : Phalaenopsis are one of the longest blooming orchid genera producing flowers that last from 2-6 months before dropping. It blooms 2 to 3 times per year. After it has flowered first time, the stem must be cut just below node where first flower bloomed.
Bud Blast : There are various factors that cause buds to dry up and drop off the plants without ever opening. Bud blasting is a common problem with Phalaenopsis.
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