Whole (black) masoor lentils or brown lentils simmered with roasted coconut, cumin and garlic. This hearty daal is a winter staple in our home. This is a family recipe from...
Mascarpone, Italy’s version of cream cheese, is a sweet, delicate triple-blended cheese made from cow’s milk that is often used in both sweet and savory dishes. Here, we used only...
Try dipping the remaining candied peel in melted dark or white chocolate, and save the simmering liquid for flavoring teas, cocktails, or tossing with fresh fruit.
The weight of the bricks helps the chicken cook evenly, leaving the breast moist and juicy, while the legs cook fully. Marinating the chicken tenderizes the meat and also adds...
Honeycomb is one of my go-to homemade candies because it’s delicious, very simple to make, and the texture and appearance are just plain cool. But this recipe is really a...