Pearl couscous, also known as Israeli couscous, has a chewy texture and toasty flavor. We wanted a foolproof method for cooking pearl couscous to serve as the base for salads....
Peach Crisp, with its crumble topping, is perfect for celebrating life’s imperfect, messy moments. It’s warming and kind and can be put together in minutes. When scooped, it’s not going...
This could have gone in the Something Up Your Sleeve chapter, as everything comes out of the cupboard or freezer. But it’s posh, so we put it here. Bet you...
This treat is traditionally made with coconut milk and is commonly served in countries all over the Far East along with tropical fruits like mangoes or pineapples. Here I modify...
No one knows who created Lord Baltimore Cake, when or where, though there are myths, one of them dating back to the original Lord Baltimore who, piqued at the extravagant...
The original tamale pies were made with a ground meat filling and a topping of cornmeal mush. In this version, fragrant, cumin-scented chili and corn-rich cornbread combine in one skillet....
A classic flavour combo, this, and for good reason: tart, refreshing rhubarb against sweet, comforting vanilla custard. The crumble topping introduces yet another welcome contrast that of crunch.