This dough is a wonderful and creative dessert to serve at all your holiday parties. It incorporates real eggnog, and by grating your own fresh nutmeg (use a Microplane), you...
This chicken mole recipe is served as a dip for nacho chips or as filling for tacos. If you want to have chunkier pieces of chicken, then don’t shred the...
This is a husmanskost recipe from the Jutland region of Denmark. Husmanskost is a word used to describe traditional, hearty, filling food. Blanched kale in white sauce is a Christmas...
We just can’t seem to get enough of fast-food chicken. There has been a huge rise in outlets selling what is loosely termed ‘Portuguese chicken’, the defining element being the...
To ‘devil’ food means to cook it with spice or chilli heat, although the spice heat in English dishes such as devilled kidneys or eggs has nothing on Asian devilled...