One of the latest food trends in Japan, Onigirazu was created by Tochi Ueyama in his popular Japanese manga comic Cooking Papa. Though similar to onigiri, Onigirazu rice sandwiches are...
From celebratory Easter breads to egg pasta, eggs are central to everyday Italian life from morning ’til night. Like a frittata, this humble egg dish satisfies around the clock and...
This easy recipe allows you to roast everything in one tray, with just a few little additions that bring a new spark to an old classic. You can then serve...
This recipe also lends itself to various types of game including elk, moose, and deer. The meat should be of a uniform thickness, no more than 1½ inches, and should...
People tend to think incorrectly of sirloin steak as one of the cheaper, inferior cuts, and a lot of the old-time Montana steakhouses still carry them on their menus. In...
Onigiri rice balls are an integral part of Japanese culture. They’ve even been described as Japanese soul food. They are portable, filling, and somehow very comforting. Here, they are paired...
This decadent dough is the perfect mix of sweet and salty. If you aren’t a huge fan of the sweet-and-salty experience, simply omit the sea salt. Make sure to use...