With their mint and cream combination, peppermint mochas have been a coffeehouse delicacy for years. By fusing these flavors into a mini donut, the peppermint mocha takes on a whole...
This thick and lush chowder is bursting with fresh corn flavor. To pump up the corn flavor, we first added grated corn and corn milk, which came from scraping the...
There’s no better ally for homemade clam chowder than a good Dutch oven: You can use it first to steam open the clams (which is far easier than shucking them,...
The secret to these moist chocolate donuts is swapping some of the cocoa powder for malted milk. Between the density of flavors in the donut, the thick chocolate icing, and...
By combining Cool Whip and cream cheese, you have the perfect Butterfinger frosting to sit on top of a dense chocolate mini donut. These mini donuts are so good that...
Over the years some of the most popular recipes in Martha Stewart Living have featured the combination of chocolate, ginger, and other spices, including cookies, brownies, and spice cakes. These...
Gorgonzola cheese and half-and-half cream are the secret behind this delectable pasta with the combination of crumbled pork sausage. Mixed herbs are added to neutralize the yellow shade of bow...
Finally kick your seafood craving with this plant-based fish dish. Serve with lime-dill pea rice and the special star of the show, our homemade tartar sauce.