(Brassica oleracea, Capitata Group) Because of its large size, cabbage is not usually recommended for container growing. Fortunately, some dwarf varieties are the size of...
(Brassica oleracea, Capitata Group) Because of its large size, cabbage is not usually recommended for container growing. Fortunately, some dwarf varieties are the size of...
HOW TO GROW A POTATO There are many, many varieties of potatoes, each with its own claim to fame: early, late; yellow, purple; roasters, fingerlings...
Phaseolus spp and Glycine max Warm-season annual Beans should be on everyone’s must-grow list: no supermarket bean can compare to the taste of homegrown, fresh-picked beans....
Like other members of the Allium family, leeks have been a popular vegetable for hundreds of years, especially in winter months when other home-grown vegetables...
Home-grown broad beans cooked and eaten soon after being picked are delicious, melting in your mouth – so unlike the tough ones found in some...
A legume that is neither asparagus-like nor a pea, this cheerful garden vegetable may be considered esoteric by some but is an epicurean treat to...
Basics Bush beans are the speedsters of the legume world, providing a harvest just 45–50 days after sowing. But because bush beans provide all their...
Pot and cut the others off at ground level with scissors. At this point, the growing temperature can be cooler (60°F/16°C). Use a small fan...
Brassica rapa varieties Asian greens are a go-to staple at the farm for summer salad mixes, when the cool-loving lettuces are sulking in the heat....
The ‘mother’ garlic plant is a composite bulb consisting of many smaller wedgeshaped ‘daughter’ bulbs each of which may be referred to as a ‘clove’....